Dietary therapy: historical and practical aspects

A.V. Starodubova

Federal research institute of nutrition, Department of health and preventive nutrition, Moscow
The purpose of this literature review included brief outline of the history of dietary therapy and characteristics of basic approaches to the formation of therapeutic diets and organization of dietary therapy in healthcare facilities of the Russian Federation. References to the basic normative legal documents governing the health care delivery in the profile «Dietology» in the Russian Federation are provided. Dietary treatment is a nutrition that provides the satisfaction of the physiological needs of the human body in nutrients and energy, taking into account mechanisms of disease development, the features of the course of the main and related diseases, and performing preventive and therapeutic tasks. It is an integral part of the treatment process and preventive measures, and includes food rations, which have established chemical composition, caloric content, and consist of certain products, including specialized dietary products being subjected to relevant technological process.

About the Autors

Antonina V. Starodubova, MD, Department of health and preventive nutrition, Federal research institute of nutrition. Address: 109240, Moscow, 2/14 Ustinsky proezd. Теl.: +74956131516. E-mail:

Бионика Медиа