Role of joints hypermobility in diagnostics of syndromic forms of conjunctive tissue dysplasia and rheumatic disorders


I.A. Viktorova, D.S. Ivanova, N.V. Konshu, M.V. Rozhina

1 FSBEI of Higher Education Omsk state medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Department of internal medicine and polyclinic therapy; 2 Kabanov AN city clinical hospital № 1, Department of general medicine No. 1, Omsk
Hypermobility of the joints is a very common condition (from 6 to 57% in different populations), in which the amplitude of active and/ or passive movements in the joints exceeds the conventional average statistical rate. Hypermobility of the joints is one of the frequent manifestations of both undifferentiated and differentiated (syndromic) forms of connective tissue dysplasia. It can be a harbinger of systemic connective tissue diseases in combination with musculoskeletal pain syndrome.
Keywords: hypermobility of joints, joint hypermobility syndrome, connective tissue dysplasia, Marfan syndrome, Ehlers–Danlo syndrome, imperfect osteogenesis, systemic connective tissue diseases


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  • About the Autors

    Inna A. Viktorova, MD, professor, head of the Department of internal medicine and polyclinic therapy of the Omsk state medical university of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Address: 644099, Omsk Region, Omsk, 12 Lenina St. Phone: 8 (3812) 74-44-27. E-mail:
    Daria S. Ivanova, MD, associate professor of the Department of internal medicine and polyclinic therapy of the Omsk state medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Address: 644099, Omsk Region, Omsk, 12 Lenina St. Tel.: +73812744427. E-mail:
    Nadezhda V. Konshu, PhD, assistant of the Department of internal medicine and polyclinic therapy of the Omsk state medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Address: 644099, Omsk Region, Omsk, 12 Lenina St. Tel.: +73812 744427. E-mail:
    Maria V. Rozhina, General Practitioner of the Department of general practitioners No. 1, Kabanov A.N. City clinical hospital No. 1. Address: 644099, Omsk Region, Omsk, 12 Lenina St.

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