Study of correlation between number of phenes of non-differential connective tissue dysplasy and magnesium level in oral liquid


N.Yu. Kononova, Т.Е. Chernyshova, L.T. Pimenov, E.V. Sterkhova, M.Yu. Smetanin

1 Health resort «Metallurg» JSC, Izhevsk; 2 FSBEI of Higher Education «Izhevsk state medical academy» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Department of general practitioner and internal medicine with the course of emergency medical care of advanced training faculty; 3 FSBEI of Higher Education «Izhevsk state medical academy» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Department of pediatrics and neonatology; 4 Budgetary Health Care Institution «Republican clinical diagnostic center» of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk
Aim of the research. To study the correlation between the number of phenes of NDST and the level of magnesium in the oral fluid. Material and methods. The study involved 56 females between 29 and 45 years old who were divided into 3 groups, depending on the number of the external and internal NDST phenes. The oral fluid was examined (4 ml each) on a biochemical photometric analyzer ABhFk 02 BIAN. A magnesium determination kit HUMAN «Magnesium liquicolor» was used. Statistical processing of data was carried out using the «Statistica 6.0» software package. Results. A significant change of magnesium level in the oral fluid of females with NDST was found, which can aggravate the course and severity of this condition. Also, an inverse correlation was found between the amount of NDST phenes and the magnesium level in the oral fluid. It was characterized by a decrease of magnesium concentration in the oral fluid as the number of NDST phenes increased. Analysis of correlation dependence showed that in 2 and 3 groups of patients negative correlation of moderate force was revealed between these indexes r = -0.55 (p <0.05), r = -0.62 (p <0.01). Moreover, with the increase in the number of NDST phenes the degree of negative correlation had also increased. The conclusion. A correlation was found between the increase in the number of NDST phenes and the decrease in the concentration of magnesium in the oral fluid of females. Obtained data let us to suggest that the greater number of detected NDST phenes and the detection of the «early» magnesium level deficiency are important for prognostication of the further increase of defective collagen maturation that loses the properties of normal fibers.
Keywords: undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia, magnesium level in oral fluid, correlation


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  • About the Autors

    Natalya Yu. Kononova, PhD, general director and chief physician of «Metallurg» sanatorium. Address: 426009, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, 2 Kurortnaya St. Tel .: +79058777824. E-mail:
    Tatyana Evg. Chernyshova, MD, professor of the Department of general practitioner and internal medicine with the course of emergency medical care of advanced training faculty of FSBEI of Higher Education «Izhevsk state medical academy» of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Address: 426034, Izhevsk, 281 Kommunarov St. Tel.: +7 3412526201, fax: +73412658167. E-mail:
    Leonid T. Pimenov, MD, professor, head of the Department of general practitioner and internal medicine with the course of emergency medical care of advanced training faculty of FSBEI of Higher Education of FSBEI of Higher Education «Izhevsk state medical academy» of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Address: 426034, Izhevsk, 281 Kommunarov St. Tel: +73412 526201, fax: +73412658167. E-mail:
    Elena V. Sterkhova, PhD, associate professor of the Department of pediatrics and neonatology, FSBEI of Higher Education «Izhevsk state academy» of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Address: 426034, Izhevsk, 281 Kommunarov St. Tel: +73412682146. E-mail:
    Mikhail Yu. Smetanin, MD, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics of the Budgetary Health Care Institution «Republican Clinical Diagnostic Center» of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic. Address: 426009, G.Izhevsk, 87B Lenina St. E-mail:

    Бионика Медиа