Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of non-compact right ventricular myocardium complicated by pulmonary embolism


Oleynikov V.E., Donetskaya N.A., Vdovkin A.V.

1) Penza State University; 2) N.N. Burdenko Penza Regional Clinical Hospital
Abstract. Non-compact right ventricular myocardium is a rare type of cardiomyopathy, it usually results from arrested myocardial development during embryogenesis. This diseasecan be characterized by excessive prominent trabeculations and deep inter-trabecular recesses in the ventricular wall. It might be a component of biventricular non-compact cardiomyopathy or an isolated form. Here we report on a case of 40-year-old male patient with isolated NMRV with a cardioembolic events.


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About the Autors

Valentin E. Oleynikov, MD, professor, head of the Department of therapy of the Faculty of general medicine, Penza State University. Address: 440026, Penza, 28/7 Lermontova Str. Tel.: +7 (8412) 59-18-61. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-7463-9259
Natalia A. Donetskaya, radiologist, head of the Department of radiation diagnostics, N.N. Burdenko Penza Regional Clinical Hospital. Address: 440026, Penza, 28 Lermontova Str. Tel.: +7 (8412) 58-18-46. E-mail:
Alexander V. Vdovkin, radiologist of the Department of radiation diagnostics, N.N. Burdenko Penza Regional Clinical Hospital. Address: 440026, Penza, 28 Lermontova Str. Tel.: +7 (8412) 59-18-57. E-mail:

Бионика Медиа