А.M. Kаrdаngushevа, Z.A. Shugushevа, I.KH. Bekulovа, N.M. Bekaidieva
1 Federаl Stаte Budgetаry Educаtionаl Institution of Higher Educаtion «Kаbаrdino-Bаlkаriаn Stаte University nаmed аfter H.M. Berbekov», Depаrtment of propаedeutics of internаl diseаses, Nаlchik 2 Centrаl district hospitаl of the urbаn district of Bаksаn аnd the Bаksаn municipаl district, Bаksаn 3 Sаnаtorium nаmed аfter C.M. Kirov, Nаlchik 4 FSAEI HE «First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov» of RMH, Moscow
Aksana M. Kardangusheva, MD, associate professor of the Department of propaedeutics of internal diseases, FGBOU VO “Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M.Berbekov”. Address: 360004, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Nalchik, 173 Chernyshevskogo str. Теl.: +79640311050. Е-mail: kardangush@mail.ru
Zarina A. Shugusheva, head of the polyclinic №1 of the “CDH” State budgetary healthcare institution of Baksan and Baksan municipal region. Address: 361535 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Baksan, 13 Tolstogo str. Теl.: +79280831060. E-mail: shugusheva85@bk.ru
Indira Kh. Bekulova, head of the Department - doctor of FGHI Kirov sanatorium of the FS for Punishment execution of Russia. Address: 360000, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Nalchik, 3 Shogenzukova str. Теl.: +79380815115. E-mail: indi.b19@yandex.ru
Narsana M. Bekaldieva, student of FBGOU VO “Kabardino-Balkarian state university named after X.M.Berbekov”. Address: 360004, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Nalchik, 173 Chernyshevskogo str. Теl.: +79604300515. Е-mail: narsana_b@mail.ru
Milana KH. TEUNOVA, student of FSAEI HE «First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov» of RMH. Address: 119991, Moscow, 8/2 Trubetskaya str. Теl.: +79653954709. Е-mail: mila140394@mail.ru