Attitude to the vaccination campaign of students of the Chuvash State University (preliminary results)


Blinov N.A., Rakhimzyanov I.F., Busalaeva E.I.

Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary, Russian Federation
Abstract. Using a specially designed questionnaire, an anonymous survey of senior students of the Chuvash State University was conducted, a total of 63 people aged 20 to 25 years, of which 29.3% were men and 70.7% were women. An analysis of the responses showed that most students are aware of the need for vaccination in order to prevent a number of infectious diseases. Only every second respondent was consciously vaccinated against COVID-19, which may indicate an insufficient level of awareness about the appropriateness, effectiveness and safety of vaccination against a new coronavirus infection.


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