№2 (приложение) / 2022

Abyzov A.S., Tarasova L.V., Busalaeva E.I.
Hypoxic hepatitis as a manifestation of a new coronavirus infection
Andreeva D.V.
Diagnosis of headache in the practice of a therapist
Bashkova I.B., Busalaeva E.I.
The level of awareness of beginner district therapists about the management of patients with primary osteoarthritis
Blinov N.A., Rakhimzyanov I.F., Busalaeva E.I.
Attitude to the vaccination campaign of students of the Chuvash State University (preliminary results)
Borisov A.Yu., Chepurnaya O.P., Kichigin V.A., Karushkin A.A., Basyrova L.R., Kochemirova T.N.
Causes and outcomes of severe acute kidney injury in the Chuvash Republic in 2018–2019
Ivanov S.V., Kalikova A.A., Busalaeva E.I., Vasilieva N.P.
Features of the course of myocardial infarction depending on the depth of the lesion
Kochemirova T.N., Chepurnaya O.P., Akimova V.P.
А case of Cushing’s disease
Malysheva V.A., Guryanova E.A., Tyurnikova S.R., Simunov Yu.L., Dmitrieva A.N., Peskov D.A., Vorontsov D.S.
Gender differences in patients after COVID pneumonia at the third stage of rehabilitation
Trofimov S.V., Trofimova L.A., Busalaeva E.I., Vasilieva N.P.
Myocardial infarction and what precedes it
Khlevchuk N.E., Komelyagina N.A., Zhuravleva N.V., Egorova E.N., Solovyov A.N., Gavrilova E.S.
Pulmonary embolism after traumatic surgery: is there a connection? Clinical case

Бионика Медиа