Abyzov A.S., Tarasova L.V., Busalaeva E.I.
Hypoxic hepatitis as a manifestation of a new coronavirus infection
3-9 |
Andreeva D.V.
Diagnosis of headache in the practice of a therapist
9-13 |
Bashkova I.B., Busalaeva E.I.
The level of awareness of beginner district therapists about the management of patients with primary osteoarthritis
13-19 |
Blinov N.A., Rakhimzyanov I.F., Busalaeva E.I.
Attitude to the vaccination campaign of students of the Chuvash State University (preliminary results)
19-23 |
Borisov A.Yu., Chepurnaya O.P., Kichigin V.A., Karushkin A.A., Basyrova L.R., Kochemirova T.N.
Causes and outcomes of severe acute kidney injury in the Chuvash Republic in 2018–2019
23-31 |
Ivanov S.V., Kalikova A.A., Busalaeva E.I., Vasilieva N.P.
Features of the course of myocardial infarction depending on the depth of the lesion
31-35 |
Kochemirova T.N., Chepurnaya O.P., Akimova V.P.
А case of Cushing’s disease
35-41 |
Malysheva V.A., Guryanova E.A., Tyurnikova S.R., Simunov Yu.L., Dmitrieva A.N., Peskov D.A., Vorontsov D.S.
Gender differences in patients after COVID pneumonia at the third stage of rehabilitation
41-54 |
Trofimov S.V., Trofimova L.A., Busalaeva E.I., Vasilieva N.P.
Myocardial infarction and what precedes it
54-58 |
Khlevchuk N.E., Komelyagina N.A., Zhuravleva N.V., Egorova E.N., Solovyov A.N., Gavrilova E.S.
Pulmonary embolism after traumatic surgery: is there a connection? Clinical case
58-64 |