New possibilities of artificial intelligence method applications for to simulate the occurrence and development of diseases and optimize their prevention and treatment

L.N. Yasnitsky, А.А. Dumler, F.M. Cherepanov

1 Perm state national research university, the Department of applied mathematics and informatics; 2 E.A. Vagner Perm state medical university, the Department of propadaetics of internal diseases № 1; 3 Perm state humanitarian teachers training university, the Department of application informatics
This article is devoted to the methodological issues of the application of artificial intelligence techniques in preventive medicine. We showed a specific example of the neural network application allows not only to diagnose cardiovascular diseases, but also on a quantitative basis to predict their emergence and development in future periods of life. This allows you to select the optimal strategy for the prevention and treatment of patients based on their individual parameters. The article concluded: recommendations for the prevention and treatment of cardiac patients should be given strictly individually, taking into account physiological peculiarities of the organism of patients. If for some patients it is useful to give up Smoking, limit the consumption of sweets, take drugs, reduce blood pressure, etc., for other patients, these recommendations may cause harm. Our intelligent system helps to identify such non-standard patients and to avoid incorrect recommendations. The prototype of the proposed system laid out in the «Projects» section on the website


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  • About the Autors

    Leonid N. Yasnitsky, Full Professor. Department of applied mathematics and Informatics, Perm State University. Address: 614990, c. Perm, Bukireva Str., 15. Tel.: +3422396409. E-mail:

    Andrey A. Dumler, PhD of medical Sciences. Associate Professor. The Department of propedeutics of internal diseases No 1 of Perm State Medical University. Address: 614990, c. Perm, Petropavlovskaya Str., 26. Tel.: +342 2659725.

    Fyodor M. Cherepanov, Senior lecturer. Department of applied Informatics, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. Address: 614990, c. Perm, Pushkina Street, 42. Tel.: +3422190722. E-mail:

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