Correction of nutritional disorders against the background of hereditary forms of connective tissue dysplasia


Loginova E.N., Lyalyukov A.V., Tereschenko Yu.V., Potapov V.V., Semenova E.V.

1) Omsk State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 2) Clinic «Be well», Sochi
Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of the balanced mixture for additional enteral nutrition «Nutridrink nutrison advanced» («Nutrison») in patients with hereditary forms of connective tissue dysplasia (hCTD).
Material and methods. The prospective cross-sectional study included 40 patients with hereditary forms of connective tissue dysplasia (20 men, 20 women), average age 22,28 (+5,8) years. Criteria for inclusion of patients in the study: the presence of signs of connective tissue dysplasia, body mass index less than 19,5 kg/m2. The total follow-up period was 16 weeks.
In the first phase for 4 weeks was evaluated the efficiency of standard power supply with the increase in calories daily diet, and after 8-week break, within 4 weeks of the assessment of the application of a mixture of «Nutrison» as an additional source of enteral nutrition.
Results and conclusion. At the same time, during the first 4 weeks when using a standard diet with an increase in caloric content of the daily diet, no positive dynamics was observed. The increase in the caloric content of the daily diet alone did not affect the nutritional status of patients and was associated with the appearance of postprandial dyspeptic disorders. Meanwhile, the patients’ body mass index increased from 17,10 (16,90–17,20) kg/m2 to 18,00 (17,90–18,10) kg/m2 with the use of «Nutrison» mixture. In addition, the use of the mixture «Nutrison» was accompanied by good tolerability and allowed to improve the trophic status of patients with hCTD.


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About the Autors

Ekaterina N. Loginova, PhD, associate professor of the Department of internal diseases and family medicine of Omsk State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 644099, Omsk, 12 Lenina Str. Tel.: +7 (381) 249-20-85. E-mail:
Alexander V. Lyalyukov, trauma surgeon of Clinic «Be well». Address: 354340, Sochi, ул. 12а Triumfalnaya Str.
Tel.: +7 (862) 279-47-86
Yulia V. Tereschenko, PhD, associate professor of the Department of internal diseases and family medicine of Omsk State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 644099, Omsk, 12 Lenina Str. Tel.: +7 (381) 249-20-85.
Viktor V. Potapov, PhD, associate professor of the Department of internal diseases and outpatient therapy of Omsk State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 644099, Omsk, 12 Lenina Str. Tel.: +7 (381) 249-20-85.
Elena V. Semenova, PhD, assistant of the Department of internal diseases and family medicine of Omsk State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 644099, Omsk, 12 Lenina Str. Tel.: +7 (381) 249-20-85.

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