Osteoarthritis in patients with components of metabolic syndrome
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/therapy.2019.8.52-58
Lapshina S.A., Feyskhanova L.I., Nurmieva A.R., Sadriev K.A.
Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
Aim: to identify features of osteoarthritis severity in patients with components of metabolic syndrome –
obesity and hypertension.
Material and methods. The 52 patients with an established diagnosis of osteoarthritis were examined. There were collected and examined: a medical histories, a conclusions of objective examination and laboratory data, a body mass indexes, the presence and degrees of arterial hypertension, the x-ray stages(by Kellgren–Lawrence) of osteoarthritis. Articular syndrome and quality of life were evaluated using visual analogue scale (VAS), physical function measurement index (WOMAC) and quality of life assessment questionnaire (EQ-5D). The obtained data was processed using a Statistic 10 program, Microsoft Excel 2007. We considered differences in the characteristics statistically significant at p <0.05.
Results. The percentage of studied group: 84,6% – women, 15,4% – men, average age – 60.9 years (52 to 74 years). The duration of the disease is 8,75 [2,58; 26] years. Thirty-six patients (69,2%) had hypertension: 24 patients (66,6%) with 1-degree hypertension, 30,5% – with 2-degree and 2,9% – with 3rd. Reactive synovitis of the knee joints was detected in 48% of patients. Also it was revealed that majority of patients (57,6%) has second stage of osteoarthritis. Patients with first stage of osteoarthritis amounted to 9,6%, with 3rd to 26,9%, and the 4th stage accounted for 5,9% of patients. The BMI range is from 21 to 43 kg/m2, patients with excess body weight and 1-degree obesity prevail among them. A BMI over 30 kg/m2 occurs in 22 patients: 17,3% – normal weight, 25% – excessed body weight. Obesity (BMI more than 30 kg/m2) occurs in 30 patients. Twenty patients (38,4%) has 1st degree of obesity, 2nd degree – 15,3%, 3rd degree – 4%.
Conclusion. The presence of hypertension and obesity is associated with increased pain syndrome, significant decrease in functional ability, aggravation of the radiological stage of OA, and with appearance of anxiety and depression. However, with further progression of obesity and arterial hypertension, the level of anxiety falls.
Keywords: osteoarthritis, arterial hypertension, obesity
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About the Autors
Svetlana A. Lapshina, PhD, associate professor of the Department of hospital therapy of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Tel.: +7 (987) 290-15-65.
E-mail: svetlanalapshina@mail.ru. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8050-4978.
Lyutciya I. Feyskhanova, PhD, associate professor of the Department of hospital therapy of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Tel.: +7 (917) 275-21-66. E-mail: ljuts@rambler.ru. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7830-5283.
Aliya R. Nurmieva, 6th year student of faculty of medicine of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Tel.: +7 (917) 399-10-17. E-mail: aliya.eva@mail.ru. ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0751-5448.
Kamil A. Sadriev, 6th year student of faculty of medicine of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Tel.: +7 (919) 647-74-90. E-mail: 37kamil73@gmail.com.
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8050-4978.