Clinical manifestations of gastroduodenal erosions in the conditions of the North


Bessonov P.P., Bessonova N.G.

North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
To assess the clinical and endoscopic manifestations of gastroduodenal erosion (GDE) among the indigenous and alien (newcomers) residents of the North, 64 patients were examined, the average age of which is 57.7 years, of which 26 women and 38 men were hospitalized for treatment in a hospital. All patients underwent clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies. There are no special symptoms of GDE. In the clinical picture of HDE, epigastric pain, heartburn, belching and flatulence predominate. Indigenous peoples are dominated by dull, aching pains, heartburn, nausea and flatulence. Newcomers have pains of a paroxysmal, acute, stitching nature, burping sour or air. Typical localization of HDE is the antrum and prepyloric department; in the indigenous population, erosion was more often detected in the body of the stomach, possibly due to the high prevalence of atrophic gastritis. The ratio between acute and chronic erosion in both groups is 1: 4. The size of erosion does not exceed 0.5 cm in diameter, multiple erosion is the number found. Pyloric dysfunction was found in half of the examined. Pyloric reflux into the stomach is associated with pyloric dysfunction. Diagnosis of HDE is difficult due to the absence of specific symptoms, combination with other diseases and the need for endoscopy. With timely diagnosis, the effectiveness of the treatment of most forms of HDE is quite high.
Keywords: gastroduodenal erosion, chronic erosion, clinical manifestations, H. pylori infection, endoscopy, biopsy


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About the Autors

Prokopiy P. Bessonov, PhD, associate professor of the Department of hospital therapy, occupational diseases and clinical pharmacology of Institute of Medicine of North-Eastern Federal University. Address: 677010, Yakutsk,
83/9 P. Alexeev Str. Tel.: +7 (914) 268-09-36. E-mail:
Natalia G. Bessonova, PhD, associate professor of the Department of hospital therapy, occupational diseases and clinical pharmacology of Institute of Medicine of North-Eastern Federal University. Address: 677010, Yakutsk,
83/9 P. Alexeev Str. Tel.: +7 (914) 266-16-97. E-mail:

Бионика Медиа