Antibacterial therapy of acute medium otitis under in outpatient conditions
Goncharova S.A.
No. 6 outpatient Department of Belgorod City polyclinic
Article discusses the choice of affordable antibiotic therapy used in the treatment of patients with acute otitis media in outpatient conditions. A comparative analysis of the clinical effectiveness of the most commonly used groups of antibacterial remedies, such as third-generation cephalosporins, macrolides, and protected penicillins, taking into account their antibacterial effectiveness and the duration of antibacterial treatment, which are the fundamental factors in choosing adequate antibiotic therapy for acute otitis media in an outpatient setting, was carried out.
Keywords: acute otitis media, antibacterial therapy of acute otitis media, cefixime (Pancef®), macrolides, protected penicillins
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About the Autors
Svetlana A. Goncharova, otorhinolaryngologist of No.6 outpatient Department of Belgorod City polyclinic. Address: 308600, Belgorod, 99 Belgorodsky Prospect. Tel.: +7 (4722) 55-22-02. E-mail: