Atypical pneumonia in October 2019: a case from everyday practice
Roitberg G.E., Dorosh Zh.V.
N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Moscow
Official data on the beginning of the spread of coronavirus infection were published in December 2019, but in the autumn of 2019, cases of SARS with lymphocytopenia and specific signs of computer tomography (CT) were recorded in Chelyabinsk (where more than 20 thousand immigrants from China are living) and Rostov regions. In addition, among patients treated in Moscow, cases of SARS also began to be recorded.
Current article presents a case of clinical observation of a 66-year-old patient with bilateral pneumonia of viral origin, possibly associated with COVID-19. During a trip to France (October 2019), a man shortly experienced shortness of breath at the slightest exertion, coughing, sudden severe weakness. Due to symptoms increase, he arrived in Moscow, where he turned for help to the clinic of JSC «Medicine».
During the observation period, the viral nature of pneumonia was indicated by lymphopenia, an increase in stab neutrophils up to 29%, an increase of C-reactive protein and D-dimers. Typical signs of pneumonia on CT chest cavity scan (dimming in the form of frosted glass, a high percentage of lesion, bilateral process), the addition of diarrhea suggests coronavirus infection in the observed patient, which was indirectly confirmed by the detection of G antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in his wife and medical staff who contacted him during hospitalization.
Keywords: coronavirus, respiratory syndrome, COVID-19, pneumonia, respiratory failure, polyserositis, diarrhea
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About the Autors
Grigory E. Roitberg, MD, professor, academician of the RAS, head of the Department of therapy, general medical practice and nuclear medicine of faculty of additional professional education of N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 117997, Moscow, 1 Ostrovityanova Str. Tel.: +7 (916) 577-21-53. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0003-0514-9114
Zhanna V. Dorosh, PhD., associate professor of the Department of therapy, general medical practice and nuclear medicine, faculty of additional professional education of N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 117997, Moscow, 1 Ostrovityanova Str. Tel.: +7 (916) 577-21-53. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0001-6078-9654