Specific features of the press service of medical University

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/therapy.2020.6.184-189

Bozhko E.P., Wagenleitner N.V.

Omsk State Pedagogical University
One of the conditions for the successful activity of modern university is a stable reputation of high quality, as well as systematic work with interested groups - target audiences. The press service - a department of the university that performs PR functions, is called upon to provide these aspects. The aim of current study was to determine the specifics of the activities of Omsk State Medical University press department. The research work was carried out by using theoretical methods of analysis and generalization, as well as empirical methods of document analysis, monitoring and expert interviews.
The results of the study allowed us to conclude that the press departments of medical universities use traditional methods of work, don’t have anti-crisis programs, and have a lack of staff.
The specificity of the activities of the press services of medical universities is in its thematic perspective, in other words, control of media materials for the accuracy of the used terms and medical facts, as well as the need to coordinate their activities and materials with the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia.


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About the Autors

Ekaterina P. Bozhko, head of the press service of the Omsk State Medical University. Address: 644099, Omsk, 12 Lenina Str. Tel.: +7 (962) 032-02-97. E-mail: specpr_bozhkoep@mail.ru
Natalya V. Wagenleitner, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Department of Russian language and linguodidactics of Omsk State Pedagogical University. Address: 644043, Omsk, 4a Partizanskaya Str. Tel.: +7 (3812) 233-773. E-mail: natalia_wg@mail.ru

Бионика Медиа