HIV infection in the elderly and senile: clinical and pathogenetic aspects


Murkamilov I.T., Aytbaev K.A., Fomin V.V., Murkamilova Zh.A., Yusupov F.A., Schastlivenko A.I., Rayimzhanov Zh.R.

1) I.K.Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Bishkek; 2) Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University, Bishkek; 3) Research Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine, Bishkek; 4) I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (Sechenov University); 5) Osh State University; 6) Vitebsk State Order of Peoples Friendship Medical University; 7) Burdenko Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Moscow
About 3.5 million new cases of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and almost 1.5 million deaths among HIV-infected people are detected annually in the world. The increase in HIV prevalence among young and middle-aged people is recognized by all researchers, and in the next one decade, the incidence and mortality from HIV infection can spread to people of older age groups. The review provides current data on the prevalence and clinical and pathogenetic aspects of infection caused by HIV. The main risk factors for HIV infection in the elderly and older are described.
Keywords: elderly and senile age, virus, CD4 cells, HIV infection, risk factors, prevalence, antiretroviral therapy, lopinavir, tenofovir


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About the Autors

Ilkhom T. Murkamilov, PhD, acting associate professor of the Department of faculty therapy of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev, Senior lecturer of Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, nephrologist, Chairman of the board of Chronic kidney disease specialists Society of Kyrgyzstan. Address: Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 92 I. Akhunbaev Str. E-mail: ORCID:
Kubanych A. Aitbaev, MD, professor, member of the board of Chronic kidney disease specialists Society of Kyrgyzstan, head of Pathological physiology laboratory of Scientific Research Institute of molecular biology and medicine of the Ministry of Healthcare of Kyrgyzstan. Address: Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 3 Togolok Moldo Str. Е-mail: ORCID:
Viktor V. Fomin, MD, professor, corresponding member of RAS, Vice-rector in clinical work and continuous professional education, Director of Clinic of faculty therapy named after V.N. Vinogradov, head of the Department of faculty therapy No 1 of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State medical University (Sechenov University) of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 119146, Moscow, 6 Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Str. Tel.: +7 (499) 248-62-22. E-mail: Scopus Author ID: 34769949900. ORCID:
Zhamila A. Murkamilova, correspondence graduate student, therapist of Center of Family Medicine No 7. Address: Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 3/1 Togolok Moldo Str. ORCID:
Furkat A. Yusupov, MD, professor, head of the Department of neurology, psychiatry and medicinal genetics of medicinal faculty of Osh State University, board member of Chronic kidney disease specialists Society of Kyrgyzstan, Chief neurologist of Southern region of Kyrgyzstan. Address: 714000, Kyrgyzstan, Osh, 331 Lenina Str. Tel.: (+996) 557202071. Е-mail: ORCID:
Andrey I. Schastlivenko, PhD, associate professor of the Department of General Practitioner with a course of outpatient therapy of Vitebsk State Order of Peoples Friendship Medical University. Address: 210023, Belarus, Vitebsk, 27 Frunze prospect. Тел.: +375 (212) 60-13-95. Е-mail: ORCID:
Zafarbek R. Rayimzhanov, correspondence graduate student of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev, neurologist of 29th neurological Department of N.N. Burdenko military clinical hospital of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Address: 105094, Moscow, 3 Gospital`naya Sq. Tel.: +7 (926) 040-16-61. Е-mail: ORCID:

Бионика Медиа