Changes in the dysfunction of the vascular endothelial on the background of long statin therapy in patients with arterial hypertension with high cardiovascular risk


Mikhin V.P., Vorotyntseva V.V.

Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
Abstract. The aim is to estimate the comparative efficacy of atorvastatin and rosuvastatin in relation to endothelial dysfunction and some biochemical and functional markers of vascular wall remodeling in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) of high cardiovascular risk.
Material and methods. The study included 140 patients with arterial hypertension who, with a background of antihypertensive therapy, received atorvastatin (Liprimar) 20 mg / day for 1 year; later this medicine was replaced by rosuvastatin (Rosucard), which was used in 3 groups of study participants at doses of 10 mg/day (n=96), 20 mg/day (n=24), 40 mg/day (n=26). Dose regime was determined by the achievement of the target level of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
Results. Moderate decrease of blood flow velocity in brachial artery (∆V02) was observed in the groups taking low and medium doses of rosuvastatin (10, 20 mg/day). An increase of the diameter of brachial artery (∆D02) was fixed in the groups receiving rosuvastatin in all dose regimes. A decrease in the degree of blood flow shear stressing on endothelium (∆τ2) in the test with reactive hyperemia took place in all groups of patients, regardless of rosuvastatin intake dose regime. The results of measuring the coefficient of endothelial dysfunction (∆K), characterizing endothelium-dependent vasodilation, indicated the restoration of vascular endothelium functional activity in hypertensive patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk having long-term use of both atorvastatin and rosuvastatin. However, rosuvastatin in all studied dose regimes has more significant effect at endothelial dysfunction parameters.
Conclusion. While its long-term use in hypertensive patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk, rosuvastatin as a part of complex therapy reduces endothelial dysfunction of the vascular wall. In this regard, rosuvastatin in various dose regimes (10 mg/day, 20 mg/day, 40 mg/day) is superior comparatively to atorvastatin of 20 mg/day dose.
Keywords: arterial hypertension, vascular endothelium, endothelial dysfunction, rosuvastatin, atorvastatin


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About the Autors

Vadim P. Mikhin, MD, professor, head of the Department of internal diseases, Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 305041, Kursk, 3 K. Marx Str. Tel.: +7 (910) 730-82-75. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-5398-9727
Valeria V. Vorotyntseva, postgraduate student of the Department of internal diseases, Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 305041, Kursk, 3 K. Marx Str. Tel.: +7 (950) 877-52-02.
E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-5715-4452

Бионика Медиа