Patient-oriented approach in the choice of treatment strategy in internal diseases clinic


Verushkina A.S., Efremova E.V.

1) Holy Apostle Andrew Protokletos City Clinical Hospital, Ulyanovsk; 2) Ulyanovsk State University
Abstract. The concept of studying the quality of life (QoL) in medicine makes a significant contribution to ensuring the implementation of the principles and approaches of patient-centered medicine.
The aim: to study the possibilities of a patient-oriented approach in determining a treatment strategy, taking into account the QoL of the patient.
Material and methods. The population sample included 1648 persons living in the Ulyanovsk region, aged 16 to 93: 708 male (43,0%) and 940 female patients (57,0%). Urban population of the region consisted 56,2% in the sample, rural population – 43,7%. Average age of all surveyed was 42,5±18,2 years. The study used a standardized SF-36 questionnaire in accordance with the requirements of the International assessment of life quality (IQOLA) project. Data collection was carried out by direct questioning of surveyed persons.
Results. Representative sample of the SF-36 questionnaire is represented by QoL norms in the range from 54,4 (according to the scale of vital activity) to 73,0 (according to the scale of physical functioning) points. When comparing QoL indexes among the surveyed from urban and rural areas, statistically significant differences were obtained for 5 from 8 scales of the questionnaire (p <0,05). Thus, the parameters of the quality of life of urban population significantly exceeded those for the rural population, namely, the indexes that characterize physical component of health and the parameters of the scale of role functioning due to the emotional state. Particularly low among rural residents were the parameters of role activity, which is represented by role functioning due to the emotional state (51,7 points), role functioning due to the physical state (48,4 points), as well as indicators of general health (51,3 points).
Conclusion. Applying a patient-oriented approach in medical care-providing practice, it is necessary to be focused at QoL and take into account the peculiarities of patients’ residence place.


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About the Autors

Alexandra S. Verushkina, chief physician of Holy Apostle Andrew Protokletos City Clinical Hospital. Address: 432072, Ulyanovsk, 4 Vracha Surova Str. E-mail: muz.gkb1omr@yandex.ru42. ORCID:
Elena V. Efremova, MD, associate professor, professor of the Department of therapy and occupational diseases, Ulyanovsk State University. Address: 4321017, Ulyanovsk, 42 L. Tolstogo Str. E-mail:

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