Nevzorova V.A., Semenova P.A., Zakharchuk N.V., Ivina A.V.
1) Pacific National University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Vladivostok; 2) RVC of Vladivostok Clinical Hospital No. 1
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Vera A. Nevzorova, MD, chief therapist of the Far Eastern Federal District, director of the Institute of therapy and instrumental diagnostics, Pacific National University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 690002, Vladivostok, 2 Ostryakova St.
Polina A. Semenova, graduate student of the Institute of therapy and instrumental diagnostics, Pacific National University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, cardiologist at RVC Vladivostok Clinical Hospital No. 1. Address: 690002, Vladivostok, 2 Ostryakova St.
Natalya V. Zakharchuk, MD, professor of the Institute of therapy and instrumental diagnostics, Pacific National University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 690002, Vladivostok, 2 Ostryakova St.
Anna V. Ivina, 6th year student of the specialty 05/31/01 «General medicine», Pacific National University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 690002, Vladivostok, 2 Ostryakova St.