Chulkov V.S., Okonenko T.I., Rumyantsev E.E., Zhmaylova S.V.
Institute of Medical Education of Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University, Veliky Novgorod
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Vasily S. Chulkov, MD, professor of the Department of internal diseases of the Institute of Medical Education, Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University. Address: 173003, Veliky Novgorod, 41 Bol`shaya Sankt-Peterburgskaya St.
Tatyana I. Okonenko, MD, head of the Department of general pathology of the Institute of Medical Education, Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University. Address: 173003, Veliky Novgorod, 41 Bol`shaya Sankt-Peterburgskaya St.
Egor E. Rumyantsev, senior lecturer at the Department of general pathology of the Institute of Medical Education, Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University. Address: 173003, Veliky Novgorod, 41 Bol`shaya Sankt-Peterburgskaya St.
Svetlana V. Zhmaylova, MD, head of the Department of additional professional education and polyclinic therapy, Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University. Address: 173003, Veliky Novgorod, 41 Bol`shaya Sankt-Peterburgskaya St.