Didigova R.T., Malsagova I.Ya., Buzurtanova M.B., Ugurchieva P.O., Magomaeva Kh.V., Teboeva M.B.
1) Ingush State University, Magas; 2) A.O. Akhushkov Ingush Republican Clinical Hospital, Nazran
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Rosa T. Didigova, MD, professor, head of the Department of hospital therapy, Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue.
Inna Ya. Malsagova, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of hospital therapy, Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue
Milana B. Buzurtanova, senior lecturer at the Department of hospital therapy, Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue
Pyatimat O. Ugurchieva, senior lecturer at the Department of hospital therapy, Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue
Khava V. Magomaeva, therapist at A.O. Akhushkov Ingush Republican Clinical Hospital. Address: 386106, Nazran, 11 Kh.B. Mutalieva St.
Malika B. Teboeva, 6th year student of the Faculty of general medicine, Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue