Found: 4 articles

Article Edition
Abdulganieva D.I., Bombina L.K., Gilemkhanova D.R., Basarkina A.V.
110 years since the introduction to the world of N.K. Goryaev chamber
№6 / 2024
Osadchuk A.M., Loranskaya I.D., Osadchuk M.A.
Historical aspects of the protest antivaccination movement and possible ways to overcome it
№8 / 2023
Romashevskaya E.I., Kokorin V.A.
«First therapist of the whole Soviet Union»: to the 170th anniversary from the birthday of V.D. Shervinsky
№2 / 2020
Abdulganieva D.I., Shasmutdinova N.G., Bombina L.K., Belousova E.N., Chibireva M.D.
Dedicated to the memory of Nikolai Andreevich Vinogradov
№1 / 2020

Бионика Медиа