Found: 3 articles

Article Edition
Gorbunova A.M., Gerasimenko O.N., Shpagin I.S., Belyaeva T.M., Tolmacheva A.A., Maksimov V.N.
Additional diagnostic markers of comorbid version of vibration disease combined with arterial hypertension
№5 / 2024
Znakharenko E.A., Gerasimenko O.N., Maksimov V.N., Gorbunova A.M.
Association of fibrosis with nutritional status in case of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
№5 / 2024
Zuikova A.A., Shevtsova V.I., Kurguzova A.S., Dobrynina I.S.
Assessment of nutritional status in patients with diabetes mellitus in the presence of macrovascular complications and without them
№4 (приложение) / 2022

Бионика Медиа