Found: 3 articles

Article Edition
Ostroumova O.D., Dubinina A.V., Telkova S.S., Gavrilova N.E., Sinitsina I.I., Malyavin A.G.
Pathogenesis of virus-induced inflammation: From theory to development and implementation of a new paradigm of medicinal remedies
№7 / 2024
Buryachkovskaya L.I., Melkumyants A.M., Lomakin N.V., Antonova O.A., Ermishkin V.V., Dotsenko Yu.V.
Influence of sulodexide at endothelial and blood cell condition in COVID-19 patients
№7 / 2022
C.G. Shul'kina, E.N. Smirnova
Metabolically healthy obesity - focus on endothelium and inflammation
№3 / 2018

Бионика Медиа