Found: 4 articles

Article Edition
Dydykina I.S., kovalenko P.S., nurbayeva K.S., arutyunova E.V., kozhevnikova P.O.
Pathogenetic justification of the use of the vitamin-mineral complex calciren for the prevention and complex correction of osteoporosis
№6 / 2020
O.A. Gromova, A.G. Kalacheva, I.Yu. Torshin, T.R. Grishina, N.I. Tapilskaya
Deficiencies of magnesium and pyridoxine and the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome
№3 / 2017
O.A. Gromova, I.Yu. Torshin, V.S. Moiseev, M.A. Sorokina
On the pharmacological interactions of antibiotics with magnesium and on the magnesium deficiency arising as a result of antibiotic treatment
№1 / 2017
O.A. Gromova, I.Yu. Torshin, V.M. Kodentsоva
Foods: magnesium content and uptake
№5 / 2016

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