Patient with comorbidity. Pathogenetic principles of antimicrobial treatment of urinary tract infections in diabetic patients

I.G. Kayukov, A.M. Yesayan

I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg state medical university, Department of nephrology and dialysis of the faculty of postgraduate education, Saint Petersburg
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a fairly heterogeneous group of diseases, which is very common and is second only to acute respiratory infections on prevalence after according to some data. The spectrum of these pathologies can vary from spontaneously resolving cystitis (or even asymptomatic bacteriuria) to a life-threatening septic syndrome. The lecture discusses the classification, epidemiology, pathogenesis, and antibacterial therapy of UTIs. Due to the fact that patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) represent a separate group of high risk for UTIs, the features of clinical variants of UTIs in DM, epidemiological features, and features of antimicrobial therapy of UTIs in diabetic patients are mentioned in the lecture.

About the Autors

Ivan G. Kayukov, MD, professor, Department of nephrology and dialysis of the faculty of postgraduate education, I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg state medical university. Address: 197022, Saint-Petersburg, 6–8 Lev Tolstoy St. Tel.: +78123463926. E-mail:

Ashot M. Yesayan, MD, professor, head of the Department of nephrology and dialysis of the faculty of postgraduate education, I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg state medical university. Address: 197022, Saint-Petersburg, 6–8 Lev Tolstoy St. Tel.: +78123463926

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