Cascade Correa: a paradigm of view (literary review)
G.V. Belova, O.S. Rudenko
Multidisciplinary Medical Center of the Bank of Russia
Purpose of the review. Analysis of the Correa cascade. Overview of morphological types of atrophy, intestinal metplasia and dysplasia of the gastric mucosa (GM), as stages of gastro-carcinogenesis. Basic provisions. The Correa cascade is the sequential development of gastric adenocarcinoma by the progression of precancerous changes in the GM. Stages of the Correa cascade – atrophy, intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia - are considered as precancerous changes in the coolant, the triggering mechanism of which is the seeding of Helicobacter pylori GM. Thanks to the developed systems for assessing the mucosal condition in chronic gastritis, as well as the molecular and biological and genetic studies conducted, the Correa cascade received a clear morphological characterization of development at each stage, which makes it possible to develop a consistent plan for the management of patients for the purpose of cancer prevention. Сonclusion. The Correa cascade is the sequential development of gastric adenocarcinoma by the progression of precancerous changes in the GM. Eradication therapy in patients with premalignant changes in the gastric mucosa can reduce the risk of developing gastric cancer. Patients with H. pylori gastro-necrogenesis requires dynamic observation and treatment depending on the level of detected morphological changes.
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About the Autors
Galina V. Belova, MD, head of the polyclinic of the Multidisciplinary Medical Center of the Bank of Russia. Address: Sevastopol аvenue, Moscow, 118791, Russia. Tel.: +74957719860. E-mail:
Oksana S. Rudenko, endoscopy doctor of the endoscopic department of the Multidisciplinary Medical Center of the Bank of Russia. The address: 118791, Moscow, Sevastopolsky аvenue, 66. Phone: +74956768228. E-mail:
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