Сlinical characteristics of myocardial infarction of women with preserved menstrual function

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/therapy.2019.1.43-47

Seliverstova D.V., Yakushin S.C., Kalinina L.P., Aksent’ev S.B.

1 I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 2 State Budgetary Institution of the Ryazan region regional clinical cardiological dispensary, Ryazan; 3 State Budgetary Institution of the Ryazan region regional clinical hospital, Ryazan
Currently, young women often suffer from myocardial infarction (MI). The aim was to study the clinical features of MI and the structure of its complications, to assess well-being, anxiety and depression in women with normal menstrual function. Material and methods. In a retrospective study, 121 cases of myocardial infarction in women were analyzed, including 60 women with preserved menstrual function (mean age 48,6±5,3 years) and 61 postmenopausal women (comparison group, mean age 49,3±4,5 years). The most common risk factors in both groups were hypertension and overweight. Results. Burdened by cardiovascular diseases heredity and smoking were more common in patients with preserved menstrual function. Q-positive MI and its anterior localization were prevalent in patients in both groups. Patients with preserved menstrual function, compared with postmenopausal patients, were hospitalized later from the onset of the disease. Conclusion. MI was often the first manifestation of coronary heart disease, and more often complicated by early postinfarction angina, but at the same time, according to HADS, during hospitalization they were less likely to have subclinical anxiety.


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About the Autors

Darya V. Seliverstova, senior laboratory assistant of the Department of hospital therapy of Ryazan State medical University. Address: 390026, Ryazan, 9 Vysokovoltnaja str. E-mail: Seliverstova.daria@yandex.ru
Sergey S. Yakushin, MD, professor, head of the Department of hospital therapy of Ryazan State medical University. Address: 390026, Ryazan, 9 Vysokovoltnaja str. E-mail: ssyakushin@yandex.ru
Lyudmila P. Kalinina, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, head of the 6th Cardiology Department of the State budget institution of Ryazan region «Regional clinical cardiology dispensary». Address: 390026, Ryazan, 96 Stroykova str. E-mail: info@rokkd.ru
Sergey B. Aksentyev, MD, head of the Department of emergency cardiology of the State budgetary institution of Ryazan region «Regional clinical hospital». Address: 390039, Ryazan, 3a International str. E-mail: aksentievs@mail.ru

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