Sarkoidosis: basic provisions of the project of federal clinical recommendations


Vizel A.A., Vizel I.Y.

1) Department of phthisiopulmonology of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia 2) Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow
In 2019 clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of sarcoidosis were first developed and agreed upon by three scientific medical societies. The basis of the clinical diagnosis is a combination of clinical, radiological, laboratory, functional and histological picture. A distinction must be made between sarcoidosis and sarcoid reaction. Treatment of sarcoidosis is advisory in nature and can be prescribed if there is a threat of organ and system insufficiency, a threat to life or a loss of quality of life. The first-line drug remains systemic corticosteroids, which should be used for a long time, but they increase the likelihood of recurrence. The proposed second-line drugs, the effectiveness of which becomes comparable with hormones.


  1. Чучалин А.Г., Авдеев С.Н., Айсанов З.Р., Баранова О.П., Борисов С.Е., Геппе Н.А., Визель А.А., Визель И.Ю., Зайцев А.А., Илькович М.М., Ловачева О.В., Малахов А.Б., Малявин А.Г., Петров Д.В., Романов В.В., Самсонова М.В., Сивокозов И.В., Соловьева И.П., Степанян И.Э., Терпигорев С.А., Тюрин И.Е., Черняев А.Л., Шмелев Е.И., Шмелева Н.М. Саркоидоз. Клинические рекомендации. 2019.

About the Autors

Alexander A. Vizel, MD, professor, the Head of the Department of phthisiopulmonology of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Tel.: +7 (987) 296-25-99. E-mail:
Irina Yu Vizel, MD, professor of RAE, associate professor of the Department of phthisiopulmonology of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 107564, Moscow, 2 Yauzskaya alley. Tel.: +7 (917) 903-91-13. E-mail:

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