Chronomedical approach to correction of constipation


Shemerovsky K.A.

St. Petersburg medical and social Institute
The chronomedical approach to constipation correction includes four main aspects. The physiological aspect is aimed at restoring the physiologically adequate regularity of the daily rhythm of defecation (euenteria) with a stool frequency of at least 7 times a week. The pathophysiological aspect is based on the fundamental dependence of the regularity of the circadian rhythm of defecation on the position of the acrophase of this rhythm in the circadian cycle. If there is a habit of morning acrophase in this act, the stool rhythm is regular, daily, and in the absence of a habit of morning defecation, bradyentery syndrome occurs (stool frequency 3–6 times a week), leading to constipation (stool frequency less than 3 times a week). The clinical aspect of the constipation problem is that in real medical practice the earliest stages of its development are not diagnosed: the first (stool frequency 5–6 times a week) and the second stage of bradyentery (stool frequency 3–4 times a week). The therapeutic aspect of the constipation problem is that normalization of the circadian rhythm of defecation requires not only a modification of the patient’s lifestyle, optimization of nutrition and hydration, but also the use of natural remedies for correcting defecation disorders, representative of which Phytobalance is.


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About the Autors

Konstantin A. Shemerovsky, MD, professor, head of the Department of physiology of visceral systems of K.M. Bykov Institute of experimental medicine. Address: 197376, St. Petersburg, 12 Academika Pavlova Str.
Tel.: +7 (812) 234-06-70. E-mail:

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