Estimation of hypolipidemic psillium effect in gastroenterologic patients with lipid metabolism disorders

S.V. Levchenko, I.A. Komissarenko

«A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow state university of medicine and dentistry» Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
Aim of the research. Studies of hyperlipidemic effect of psyllium in case of its long-term use (from 3 to 6 months) in patients with hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome and constipation as a monotherapy and as a part of combined therapy. Material and methods. Multicenter prospective randomized research work was performed. 721 patient from 19 to 91 y.o. with hyperlipidemia and different risk degree of cardiovascular diseases was involved. In dependence of risk degree of lipid metabolism disorders patients got monotherapy with psillium or psillium in combination with statines. Results. Efficacy of monotherapy with psillium as hypolipidemic remedy was fixed in 36,7% of patients with medium risk of cardiovascular diseases development: up to 12th week significant decrease of total cholesterol level to 6,8%, LDL cholesterol – at 10,62%. Up to the end of research work the decrease of that indexes consisted of 8,58 and 12,5%. On the phone of combined therapy (with statines), in spite of higher initial data, the decrease of total cholesterol level was 10,49%, and LDL cholesterol – 13,7%.In the groups of patients with high and very high risk of cardiovascular diseases development the hypolidemic effect of psillium is also proved. On the phone of prolongated treatment by this medicine the bowel evacuation returned to normal in the majority of cases. Conclusion. The possibility and practicability of psillium use in gastroenterologic patients with hyperlipidemia and bowel evacuation disorders as monotherapy and also in combination with statines was proved.


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  • About the Autors

    Svetlana V. Levchenko, PhD, associate professor of the Department of outpatient therapy of A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow state university of medicine and dentistry of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Moscow. E-mail:

    Irina A. Komissarenko, MD, professor, professor of the Department of outpatient therapy of A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow state university of medicine and dentistry of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Moscow. E-mail:

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