Mucins and carbocisteine: respiratory protection


Babak S.L., Gorbunova M.V., Malyavin A.G.

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
Abstract. Increased bronchopulmonary secretion is an important sign of obstructive pulmonary diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, COPD, asthma, bronchiectasis lung disease, which occupy the third place in the world among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Tracheobronchial secretions or «normal» mucus play a vital role in protecting the lungs from environmental factors. However, with secretory hyperreactivity with blockage of the small airways, when mucus is the cause of a painful condition, it is called sputum or «pathological» mucus. The universal mechanisms of protection of the bronchopulmonary system largely depend on mucins MUC5AC and MUC5B, which determine the rheological and protective properties of mucus. This review provides a summary of such mechanisms, as well as clinically significant properties of the mucoactive agent carbocisteine, which is a unique mucoregulator with a wide therapeutic window of opportunity in the treatment of chronic pulmonary diseases with mucus hypersecretion.


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About the Autors

Sergey L. Babak, MD, professor of the Department of phthisiology and pulmonology of the Faculty of general medicine, A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 107150, Moscow, 39/2 Losinoostrovskaya Str. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-6571-1220. Scopus Author ID: 45560913500
Marina V. Gorbunova, PhD, associate professor of the Department of phthisiology and pulmonology of the Faculty of general medicine, A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 107150, Moscow, 39/2 Losinoostrovskaya Str. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-2039-0072
Andrey G. Malyavin, MD, professor, professor of the Department of phthisiology and pulmonology of the Faculty of general medicine, A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 107150, Moscow, 39/2 Losinoostrovskaya Str. E-mail: Scopus Author ID: 6701876872. ORCID: 0000-0002-6128-5914

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