Assessment of the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases on the SCORE-2 and SCORE 2-OP scale in patients with arterial hypertension using software tools


Derevyanchenko M.V., Fedotov V.V., Shaposhnikova M.Yu., Kolodin S.V.

1) Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 2) Volgograd State Technical University
Abstract. The study and analysis of the use of the updated SCORE scale in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) is of interest for practical medicine.
The aim: conducting a screening assessment of cardiovascular risk (CVR) in patients with AH on the SCORE-2 and SCORE2-OP scales using digital software tools.
Material and methods. A team of authors created an Internet resource HeartCare, which allows you to automatically calculate the CVR according to the input data («Sex», «The fact of smoking», «Age», «SBP», « non-HDL cholesterol»). 80 people (38 women and 42 men) with AH aged from 45 to 70 years were included. The clinical status was assessed: complaints, anamnesis morbi and vitae, SBP and non-HDL cholesterol levels. The vascular age (VA) of patients was calculated – the program included the initial data of the subjects without taking into account risk factors (FR): smoking status, elevated levels of SBP, non-HDL cholesterol, after which a comparison was made of the «ideal» and actual CVR, which made it possible to calculate the difference between the chronological and VA patients.
Results. There were 14% smokers among the surveyed. Positive smoking status increased CVR up to 50%. The mean value of SBP was 157,6±14.2 mm Hg. Non-HDL cholesterol values repeated from 3,00 to 6,71 mmol/l. The average value was 4,5±1,0 mmol/l. The maximum value of the degree of risk of developing CVD in the study group was 41%, the minimum – 5%. The average value of the CVR was 21,6%. In the context of the group, only 5 people had moderate CV risk, 75 people had high CV risk. The average value of the qualitative indicator of CVR was 1,9±0,2, where 0 – «Low risk», 1 – «Moderate risk», 2 – «High risk». The VA of the sample is, on average, 13,2±2,8 years higher than the biological one. This indicates the identification of the contribution of indicators «The fact of smoking» and «Non-HDL cholesterol» on the CVR in the target group.
Conclusion. The SCORE-2 and SCORE2-OP software model can be used to estimate the rate of increase or decrease in CVR; to analyze of the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of AH in dynamics in individual patients. Automating the calculation of scale values and uploading them to an Internet resource allows them to be used not only by doctors, but also by patients themselves in order to control CVR at home.


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About the Autors

Maria V. Derevyanchenko, Dr. med. habil., professor of the Department of internal diseases, Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 400005, Volgograd, 47 Sovetskaya Str. E-mail:
Vladislav V. Fedotov, student at Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 400131, Volgograd, 1 Pavshikh Bortsov Sq. E-mail:
Maya Yu. Shaposhnikova, student at Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 400131, Volgograd, 1 Pavshikh Bortsov Sq. E-mail:
Semyon V. Kolodin, bachelor, Volgograd State Polytechnic University. Address: 400005, Volgograd, 28 Lenina Avenue. E-mail:

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