Assessment of the condition of the coronary arteries in persons with angina pectoris in combination with or without type 2 diabetes


Didigova R.T., Malsagova I.Ya., Buzurtanova M.B., Ugurchieva P.O., Edilgirieva L.A.

1) Ingush State University, Magas; 2) I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
Abstract. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM 2) is characterized by a high risk of developing coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure.
The aim: assessment of the condition of the coronary arteries in persons with angina pectoris in combination with or without DM 2.
Material and methods. The data are analyzed and the results of a clinical study conducted in a medical institution of the Republic of Ingushetia are compared. The simultaneous clinical study included 145 men and women aged 45 to 74 years with stable angina pectoris, of which 70 patients (34 men and 36 women) had concomitant DM 2.
Results. According to the localization of stenosis in the segments of the coronary arteries, it can be concluded that in men with angina pectoris and DM 2 in all three segments (proximal, middle and distal), its frequency is on average comparable, and is 30–41%. In women with angina pectoris and DM 2, stenosis of the distal segment is detected most often (in every second), while stenosis of the remaining segments is no more than 33%. In men with stress angina without DM, stenosis of the proximal segment is detected in every second patient, while stenosis of the distal segment is detected 3,5 times less often.
Conclusion. According to coronary angiography, men and women with DM have moderate and severe coronary artery lesions. There is a more pronounced lesion of the trunk of the left coronary artery and the right coronary artery compared with patients with angina pectoris without DM. There is a predominant lesion of the distal coronary arteries. The total number of points on the anatomical SYNTAX Score scale in diabetic patients was 20% higher compared to patients without DM.


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About the Autors

Roza T. Didigova, Dr. med. habil., professor, head of the Department «Hospital therapy», Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue. E-mail:
Inna Ya. Malsagova, PhD in Medicine, associate professor, associate professor of the Department «Hospital therapy», Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue
Milana B. Buzurtanova, senior lecturer of the Department «Hospital therapy», Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue
Pyatimat O. Ugurchieva, senior lecturer of the Department «Obstetrics and gynecology», », Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue
Leila A. Edilgirieva, 5th year student of International School «Medicine of the Future», I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 119048, Moscow, 8/2 Trubetskaya Str.

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