Non-invasive assessment of liver abnormalities in patients with psoriatic arthritis


Mukhametshina E.I., Kirillova E.R., Fairushina I.F., Abdulganieva D.I.

1) Medical affairs of the University clinic of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University; 2) Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
Abstract. Currently, there are few works devoted to a comprehensive assessment of the state of the liver in psoriatic arthritis.
Aim: to assess liver abnormalities in patients with psoriatic arthritis.
Material and methods. 88 patients with psoriatic arthritis were consecutively enrolled. Clinical history, biochemical and ultrasound investigations and liver elastography were assessed.
Results. Liver stiffness was comparable in groups of patients with different degrees of activity, there was no significant correlation between liver stiffness with age, anthropometric data, duration of the disease, and biochemical parameters. Ultrasound signs of steatosis were noted in 32 (37%) patients. All psoriatic activity scores, the number of painful joints and acute phase reactants (ESR, CRP) were significantly higher in patients with steatosis. Liver enzymes were within the reference values in 89% of patients. The predominance of cardiovascular pathology was noted in the group of patients with steatosis, arterial hypertension was significantly more in the same group.
Conclusion. Psoriatic arthritis is associated with a low incidence of liver disease, the common cause of liver abnormalities was non-alcoholic liver disease. Ultrasound liver steatosis in patients with psoriatic arthritis is associated with higher activity of the underlying disease and the predominance of comorbid cardiovascular pathology.


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About the Autors

Emma I. Mukhametshina, deputy chief physician for medical affairs of the University clinic, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Address: 420043, Kazan, 1а Chekhova Str. Е-mail:
Elina R. Kirillova, PhD in Medicine, associate professor of the Department of hospital therapy, Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Е-mail: ORCID:
Irina F. Fairushina, PhD in Medicine, assistant at the Department of hospital therapy, Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Е-mail:
Diana I. Abdulganieva, Dr. med. habil., professor, head of the Department of hospital therapy, Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Е-mail: ORCID:

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