Treatment adherence in patients after orthognathic surgery


Tanashyan M.M., Maksimova M.Yu., Lagoda O.V.

1) Scientific Center of Neurology, Moscow; 2) Russian University of Medicine of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Moscow
Abstract. The main aim of orthognathic operations is to restore dental occlusion, oral functions and facial proportions, and from the point of view of long-term prognosis – to improve life quality of patients.
The aim: to compare life quality of patients underwent orthognathic surgery, taking into account their drug therapy adherence.
Material and methods. 29 patients (14 men and 15 women) aged 26 to 32 years after bilateral sagittal plane osteotomy were involved in the study. Experimental psychological study included the use of SF-36 (36-item short-form health survey) and OHIP-14 (Oral Health Impact Profile-14) questionnaires. All participants were prescribed meldonium 500 mg 3 times a day in the postoperative period (day 15). The course of treatment was 45 days. In the process of studying treatment efficacy, two groups were formed: group 1 – 16 patients with high adherence to treatment, group 2 – 13 patients with low adherence to treatment. The control points for estimation were 14th, 30th and 60th days after orthognathic correction.
Results. Experience in assessing adherence to therapy in patients who underwent orthognathic surgery showed that the use of meldonium in this case is quite effective method. On the 60th day of the postoperative period, the study participants showed positive dynamics in life quality status according to SF-36 scale, expressed in a significant improvement in physical and emotional condition, daily functioning, general health, and vitality. The total score on the OHIP-14 scale was 7.1 points and corresponded to a slight decrease in dental health (within 7–15 points).
Conclusion. Meldonium can be used in the complex treatment of patients after orthognathic surgery. High adherence to meldonium treatment is associated with positive dynamics of quality of life and dental health of patients who have undergone bilateral sagittal split osteotomy.


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About the Autors

Marine M. Tanashyan, MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), professor, corresponding member of RAS, deputy director for research work, head of the 1st Neurological Department of Scientific Center of Neurology, professor of the Department of neurology of N.A. Semashko Scientific and Educational Institute of Clinical Medicine, Russian University of Medicine of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 125367, Moscow, 80 Volokolamskoe Highway.
ORCID: Researcher ID: F-8483-2014. Scopus Author ID: 6506228066. eLibrary SPIN: 7191-1163
Marina Yu. Maksimova, MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), professor, head of the 2nd Neurological Department of Scientific Center of Neurology, professor of the Department of neurology of N.A. Semashko Scientific and Educational Institute of Clinical Medicine, Russian University of Medicine of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 125367, Moscow, 80 Volokolamskoe Highway.
ORCID: eLibrary SPIN: 5389-7907. Researcher ID: C-7408-2012. Scopus Author ID: 7003900736
Olga V. Lagoda, MD, PhD (Mesicine), senior researcher at the 1st Neurological Department of Scientific Center of Neurology. Address: 125367, Moscow, 80 Volokolamskoe Highway.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7562-4991. Researcher ID: C-5395-2012. Scopus Author ID: 6507370001. eLibrary SPIN: 1789-4735

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