Found: 3 articles

Article Edition
Rebrov A.P., Aparkina A.V., Gamayunova K.A.
Thickness of the intima-media complex of carotid arteries in patients with extraskeletinal manifestations of spondyloarthritis
№2 / 2022
Bakulin I.G., Skalinskaya M.I., Skazyvaeva E.V., Rasmagina I.A., Zhuravleva M.S., Usachev R.A.
Extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel diseases: modern conception and contribution to the disease insight
№1 / 2022
I.Z. Gaidukova, R.R. Samigulina, E.A. Vasilenko, O.V. Inamova, E.K. Gaidukova, E.A. Trophimov, V.I. Mazurov
Uveites as paradoxal reaction or nonefficacy of treatment in ankylosing spondylitis patients, getting inhibitors of alpha tumour necrosis factor
№4 / 2018

Бионика Медиа