The basis of modern pharmacotherapy of bronchial asthma in adults

A.A. Zaitsev

N.N. Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital, Department of pulmonology, Moscow
The article deals with the modern treatment of bronchial asthma (BA). In details the main types of asthma pharmacotherapy are presented. The options for the initial therapy of controlling asthma in adults are presented, as well as the principles of a graded approach to pharmacotherapy in patients with asthma are described. The results of clinical studies and meta-analyzes that evaluate the efficacy of combinations of inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting β2-agonists are presented. It is noted that a great advantage of fixed combinations is not only their high effectiveness in achieving control of asthma symptoms, but also a good compliance due to connection of two drugs in the same inhaler.

About the Autors

Andrey A. Zaitsev, MD, chief pulmonologist of N.N. Burdenko Main military clinical hospital. Address: 105229, Moscow, 3 Gospitalnaya sq. Tel.: +74992631047. E-mail:

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