Sexual function as a quality of life parameter of patients with chronic kidney disease (stage 5) and arterial hypertension


Ievlev Y.N., Kazakova I.A.

Department of internal medicine with courses of radiological methods of diagnosis and treatment, military field therapy of Izhevsk State medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
Sexual dysfunction is an urgent problem of modern medicine, which is a precursor of cardiovascular diseases and other complications. 239 patients with chronic kidney disease (the 5th dialysis stage) were questioned with the «Sexual function» questionnaire (taken from KDQOL-SF™ test). It was revealed that the scale indicators are influenced by: gender (men have lower level); age (inverse correlation); CKD causes (lower with diabetic nephropathy); the arterial hypertension presence and stage (lower in the 3d stage). The highest scale level was revealed when constantly combining antihypertensive therapy, such as a combination of a slow calcium channel blocker and a β-blocker.


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About the Autors

Yevgeny N. Ievlev, PhD, assistant professor of the Department of internal diseases with courses of radiological diagnostical and treatment methods, military field therapy of Izhevsk state medical academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 426000, Izhevsk, 281 Kommunarov St. Tel.: +7 (3412) 68-68-48. E-mail:
Irina A. Kazakova, MD, professor, head of the department of internal diseases with courses of radiological diagnostical and treatment methods, military field therapy of Izhevsk state medical academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 426000, Izhevsk, 281 Kommunarov St. Tel.: + 7 (3412) 68-68-48. E-mail:

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