Peculiarities of the daily profile of arterial pressure and its impact on the outcomes of patients with chronic kidneys disease, receiving program hemodialysis


Vyalkina N.A., Klyashev S.M., Vyalkina Y.A., Mezhonov E.M., Klyasheva Y.M.

FSBEI HE «Tyumen State Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
The purpose of the study is to assess the prognostic value of daily blood pressure (BP) profile on outcomes in patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease (ESKD). Material and methods. Examined 100 patients with ESKD. During the annual prospective study found the relationship of mortality and the combined endpoint of the severity of hypertension, assess the circadian rhythm of BP. In all patients showed predominance of the «non-dipper» type and the increase rate of rise of the morning BP of the patients studied which indicates a high risk of adverse events. Results. Revealed an increase in mortality with increasing levels of daytime and nighttime diastolic BP, nighttime systolic BP. It found a direct relationship between the violation of circadian BP profile, insufficient correction of hypertension and incidence of endpoints. Conclusion. Violation of the circadian rhythm of BP combined with a lack of correction of hypertension has an adverse prognostic value in patients on hemodialysis.


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About the Autors

Natalia A. Vyalkina, nephrologist of Hospital №3 in Tobolsk. Address: 626150, Tobolsk, 24, 3b Str. Tel. +73456252489. E-mail:
Sergey M. Klyashev, MD, professor, head of the Department of therapy with the courses of endocrinology, functional and ultrasonic diagnostics of Tyumen State Medical University. Adress: 625023, Tyumen, 54, Odesskaya Str. Tel. +73452202197. E-mail:
Yu.A. Vyalkina, PhD, cardiologist of Tyumen City Hospital 1. Address: 625023, Tyumen, 10, Y. Semovskich Str. Tel. +73452560010. Email:
E.M. Mezhonov, PhD, cardiologist of Tyumen City hospital 1. Address: 625023, Tyumen, 10, Y.Semovskich Str. Tel. +73452560010. Email:
Yu.M. Klyasheva, MD, professor of the Department of therapy with the courses of endocrinology, functional and ultrasonic diagnostics Tyumen State Medical University. Address: 625023, Tyumen, 54, Odesskaya Str. Tel. +73452202197. E-mail:

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