Russian and foreign experience of evaluating adherence to long-term therapy in patients with rheumatic arthritis: review of literature


Bakirov B.A., Zaripova G.R., Akbuldina K.R., Bogdanova Yu.A., Kudlai D.A.

1) Department of hospital therapy No. 2 of Bashkir State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 2) Department of pharmacology with a course of clinical pharmacology of Bashkir State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 3) Clinic of Bashkir State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 4) Institute of immunology State scientific Center of FMBA of Russia
The article presents the results of Russian and foreign studies to assess adherence to therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) , the analysis of the main factors affecting adherence to the basic therapy of RA, in conjunction with the main clinical characteristics of the disease , the psychological status of the patient and the mode of drug therapy.


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About the Autors

Bulat A. Bakirov, MD, professor, head of the Department of hospital therapy №2 of FSBEI of HE «Bashkir State medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 450075, Ufa, 3 Blücher St. Tel./Fax: +7 (347) 235-32-23. E-mail:
Guzel R. Zaripova, PhD., associate professor of the Department of pharmacology with a course of clinical pharmacology, «Bashkir State medical University» FSBEI of HE of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, doctor - clinical pharmacologist of the University clinic. Address: 450083, 2 Shafieva St. Tel.: +79191551334. E-mail:
Yuliya A. Bogdanova, PhD, associate professor of the Department of pharmacology with a course of clinical pharmacology, «Bashkir State medical University» FSBEI of HE of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 450008, Ufa, 96/98 Pushkina St. Tel.: +7 (917) 491-33-41. E-mail:
Kristina R. Akbuldina, doctor – resident physician of the Department of hospital therapy No. 2 of «Bashkir State medical University» FSBEI of HE of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 450075, Ufa, 3 Blücher St. Tel.: +7 (917) 048-63-16. E-mail:
Dmitry A. Kudlai, MD, professor, leading researcher of the laboratory of personalized medicine and molecular immunology No. 71 of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Institute of immunology Federal research institution» of FMBA of Russia. Address: 115522, Moscow, 24 Kashirskoye shosse St. Tel.: +7 (985) 761-02-37. Email:

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