Significance of heart structures dysplasia in the formation of adaptation reserves in football players


Krivolap N.V.

M. Gorky Donetsk National medical University, Donetsk
Intensive physical and neuro-emotional stress in modern football are considered as risk factors for the development of pathological conditions in players. Data on the influence of small heart anomalies at physical workability of athletes professionally involved in football are presented. Studies of clinical importance of small heart anomalies in terms of sports selection, prevention of cardiovascular system overtension, prognostication of sports results and expert questions solution are actual.


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About the Autors

Natalya V. Krivolap, PhD, assistant of the Department of integrative and rehabilitation medicine of M. Gorky Donetsk National medical University. Address: 283003, Donetsk, 16 Prospect Ilyicha Str. Tel.: +38 (062) 319-37-06.

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