Influence of connective tissue dysplasia at the formation of adaptive and functional capabilities in children engaging precise technical sports activities


Dakuko A.N., Krivtsova L.A., Nalobina A.N., Ivaschenko O.N., Plekhanova M.A.

1) Omsk State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 2) Moscow City Teacher Training University; 3) Siberian state university of physical culture and sports, Omsk
The aim of the study was to study the prevalence of connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) among children involved in precise technical sports activities, as well as to assess the functional capabilities of the vegetative nervous system (VNS) to optimize the further training process.
Material and methods. 72 girls aged from 7 to 11 years old were examined: 44 of them were engaged in rhythmic gymnastics (group I) and 28 – in sports aerobics (group II).
Results. In the course of the research work, it was revealed that 72,7% of examined children have signs of CTD with a predominance of moderate severity in the group of girls doing rhythmic gymnastics. In the same group, 21% of the examined children showed signs of sympathoadrenal mechanisms activity at rest time with disordered vegetative provision of orthostasis by the type of the asympathicotonic variant. In addition, the group of children with CTD signs showed lower indicators of the development of speed-strength qualities according to the results of running in the aerobic power zone.
Conclusion. The obtained data require the formation of special approaches to the training process in athletes having CTD, which should include complex medicamentous therapy and methods of physical rehabilitation, to increase the effectiveness of training and maintain the health of the athlete as a whole.


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About the Autors

Anastasia N. Dakuko, PhD, assistant of the Department of pediatrics of Omsk State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 644099, Omsk, 12 Lenin Str. Tel.: +7 (3812) 36-16-47. E-mail:
Lyudmila A. Krivtsova, MD, professor, head of the Department of pediatrics of Omsk state medical university of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 644099, Omsk, 12 Lenin Str. Tel.: +7 (3812) 36-16-47. E-mail:
Anna N. Nalobina, Doctor of biological sciences, professor of the Department of adaptology and sports training of Moscow City Teacher Training University. Address: 129226, Moscow, 4/1 2nd Selskokhozyaistvenny Lane. Tel.: +7 (916) 448-01-12. E-mail:
Olga N. Ivaschenko, lecturer at the Department of theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture of Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports. Address: 644009, Omsk, 150 Maslennikov Str. Tel.: +7 (3812) 43-38-87. E-mail:
Maria A. Plekhanova, MD, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of pediatrics of Omsk State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 644099, Omsk, 12 Lenin Str. Tel.: +7 (3812) 36-16-47. E-mail:

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