Study of bone mineral density in young people with pain syndrome of different localization


Akhiyarova K.E., Sadretdinova L.D., Akhmetova А.М., Gantseva Kh.Kh., Khusainova R.I., Tyurin A.V.

1) Bashkir State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Ufa; 2) Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of Ufa Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa
Purpose of the study: to study bone mineral density in young people with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (uCTD) and to search for associations with pain syndrome of different localization.
Material and methods. Signs of uCTD were determined by anthropometry, clinical exam and instrumental diagnostic methods using a scale by T.I. Kadurina (2008). Joint hypermobility (JHM) was determined using the Beiton 9-point scale (1998). Additionally, questions related to pain were asked. The study involved 85 subjects (75 females and 10 males). The average age of the girls was 20,89±0,30 years, of the young men 21,80±1,17. The group with signs of uCTD included 40 people, the control group included 45 people. X-ray densitometry with the calculation of the Z-criterion value was performed.
Results. In the uCTD group, an association was found between uCTD and the intensity of pain in the spine (p =0,046, U=673,5), as the relationship between JHM and the value of the Z-criterion (r=0,290, p <0,05). Z-criterion level <1.0 was associated with spinal pain over the past month (p=0,009, U=249,000), and with a frequency an intensity spinal pain (p=0,015, U=259,500 and p=0,021, U=268,000, respectively).
Conclusion. Among young people with signs of uCTD, pain localized in the spine was more common. Osteopenia was not detected, however, the value of the Z-criterion <1,0 was associated with pain in the spine.


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About the Autors

Karina E. Akhiyarova, resident of the Department of internal medicine of Bashkir State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 450000, Ufa, 2 Shafiev Str. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0001-5965-2108
Lidia D. Sadretdinova, assistant of the Department of internal medicine of Bashkir State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 450000, Ufa, 2 Shafiev Str. Tel.: +7 (987) 253-79-56. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0001-9421-9545
Aygul M. Akhmetova, assistant of the Department of internal medicine of Bashkir State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 450000, Ufa, 2 Shafiev Str. Tel.: +7 (937) 317-08-79. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-4203-5995
Khalida Kh. Gantseva, MD, professor of the Department of internal medicine of Bashkir State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 450000, Ufa, 2 Shafiev Str. Tel.: +7 (917) 341-54-32. E-mail: halida.ganceva@mail.ruю ORCID: 0000-0002-7217-7222
Rita I. Khusainova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, leading researcher of laboratory of human molecular genetics of Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of Ufa Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences. Address: 450054, Ufa, 71 Prospect Oktyabrya. Tel.: +7 (987) 145-77-18. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-8643-850X
Anton V. Tyurin, PhD, associate professor, head of the Department of internal medicine of Bashkir State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 450000, Ufa, 2 Shafiev Str. Tel.: +7 (927) 334-00-35. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-0841-3024

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