Luzina E.V., Tomina E.A., Zhigzhitova E.B., Lareva N.V.
Chita State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
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Elena V. Luzina, PhD in Medical Science, associate professor of the Department of therapy of the Faculty of additional professional education, Chita State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Chairman of the Trans-Baikal Scientific Society of Gastroenterologists. Address: 672000, Chita, 5 Kokhanskogo Str. E-mail: ORCID: eLibrary SPIN: 6748-9361
Elena A. Tomina, PhD in Medical Science, associate professor of the Department of therapy of the Faculty of additional professional education, Chita State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 672000, Chita, 5 Kokhanskogo Str. ORCID:
Evgenia B. Zhigzhitova, PhD in Medical Science, assistant at the Department of therapy of the Faculty of additional professional education, Chita State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 672000, Chita, 5 Kokhanskogo Str. ORCID:
Natalya V. Lareva, MD, professor, vice-rector for scientific and international affairs, head of the Department of therapy of the Faculty of additional professional education, Chita State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Chairman of the Trans-Baikal Regional Branch of the RSMSIM. Address: 672000, Chita, 5 Kokhanskogo Str. ORCID: eLibrary SPIN: 1228-6205