Analysis of antibacterial drugs prescriptions for adult patients with acute and chronic rhinosinusitis during outpatient treatment in the Russian Federation


Savlevich E.L., Russkikh S.V., Shurupina A.V., Gerasimov A.N., Gurkova M.M.

1) M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute; 2) Clinical hospital of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow; 3) N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, Moscow; 4) National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow; 5) Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow; 6) I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (Sechenov University); 7) Research and Production Center “MikroMir”, Moscow
Abstract. Treatment of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis has become a challenging task due to the progressive development of the stability of respiratory pathogens to antimicrobial remedies.
The aim: to analyze the prescription of antibacterial drugs to adult patients with acute and chronic rhinosinusites during their outpatient treatment.
Material and methods. According to the data of sociological online survey of 627 otorinolangologists through electronic mailing (the author’s technology was used), the prescriptions of antibacterial drugs in case of maxillary sinus inflammatory diseases were studied in real clinical practice.
Results. During the initial visit of the patient 62% of doctors immediately prescribe antibiotics in case of acute (ARS) and 98.9% in chronic rhinosinus (CRS). The duration of antibiotic therapy for ARS in most cases (52.48%) is 7 days, for CRS - 10 days (43.22%). The most frequently prescribed antibiotics on the outpatient stage in the treatment of rhinosinusitis are penicillins: with ARS, they are recommended by 91.04%, with CRS without polyps – by 81.29% of specialists. Cephalosporins occupy 2nd place among the antibiotics prescribed both for ARS (50.4%) and CRS (60.97%). 21.92% of respondents with ARS and 25.47% with CRC use parenteral administration of cephalosporins in outpatient practice. Macrolides are prescribed by 30.08% of doctors in case of ARS and 40.48% for CRS, and the most popular medicine of this group is azithromycin. Fluoroquinolones are recommended by 8.16% of otorinolaryngologists for ARS and 22.9% for CRS.
Conclusion. Technology of physician’s self-assessment of his “minuses” in the management of patients with ARS and CRS through the electronic distribution of a questionnaire developed by the authors makes it possible to summarize data in the context of different regions and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, make conclusions on this issue on a national scale and study the readiness of the medical community to counter the risks of public health losses from the formation of pathogens’ resistance to antimicrobial agents. The results of online survey of 627 otorhinolaryngologists will improve the educational level of doctors in matters of antibiotic resistance and reduce the risks of excessive misprescription of antibacterial drugs.


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About the Autors

Elena L. Savlevich, MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), senior researcher of M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, otorhinolaryngologist at Clinical hospital of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Address: 107143, Moscow, block 40, Otkrytoe Highway.
Sergey V. Russkikh, MD, PhD (Medicine), leading researcher at the Department for studying lifestyle and public health, N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, associate professor of the Department of theory and practice of public administration, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”. Address: 105064, Moscow, 12/1 Vorontsovo pole St.
Anastasia V. Shurupina, MD, otorhinolaryngologist at M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute. Address: 129110, Moscow, 61/2 Shchepkina St.
Andrey N. Gerasimov, MD, Dr. Sci. (Physics and Mathematics), associate professor, leading researcher at the scientific group of mathematical methods and epidemiological forecasting of Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor. Address: 111123, Moscow, 3a Novogireevskaya St.
Marina M. Gurkova, master’s student of the Institute of Leadership and Healthcare Management of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (Sechenov University), deputy general director of the Research and Production Center “MikroMir”. Address: 119435, Moscow, 2/4 Bolshaya Pirogovskaya St.

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