Found: 3 articles

Article Edition
Masterova M.M., Georginova O.A., Abdrakhimov D.A., Krasnova T.N.
Asymptomatic hyperuricemia in young men, identified during check-up period: Prevalence and association with population diseases
№4 / 2024
Timofeeva N.Yu., Struchko G.Yu., Stomenskaya I.S., Kostrova O.Yu., Andreeva A.E., Ovechkina A.N., Efremova E.V.
Reactive hepatitis in the debut of hantavirus hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
№7 / 2022
Muchtarov T.A., Skvortsov V.V.
Modern marker of renal dysfunction
№8 / 2017

Бионика Медиа