№8 (18) / 2017

Activities of RNMOT
A.I. Martynov, V.A. Kokorin
Activities of Russian scientific medical therapeutic society in 2017
Legend of national healthcare A.I.Vorobyov took part in the work of the XII National congress of physicians
Memetov Kerim Abdullayevich is 85 years old
Yu.V. Lukina
The advantages of using fixed combinations of antihypertensive drugs in clinical practice
N.V. Teplova, S.A. Abduragimov, N.A. Volov, S.L. Sofrina, M.A. Benevskaya
Taurin in complex therapy of patients with chronic heart failure
I.I. Shaposhnik, E.V. Lebedev
Extrasystole: algorythm of diagnostics and treatment in general medical practice
Yu.E. Azimova
Rational therapy of psychovegetative disorders in general medical practice
Muchtarov T.A., Skvortsov V.V.
Modern marker of renal dysfunction
P.R. Kamchatnov, M.A. Yevzel’man, A.V. Chugunov
Principles of treatment of a patient with acute lumbar pain
D.I. Trukhan, N.V. Bagisheva, V.A. Alekseenko
Actual aspects of diagnosis and treatment of atopic bronchial asthma
N.A. Geppe, S.T. Vаliyeva, N.A. Farajova, M.R. Ohanyan, G.T. Myrzabekova, M.A. Zhanuzakov, A.K. Katarbayev, L.N. Skuchalina, N.S. Aitkuluyev, D.D. Kabaeva, F.O. Raupov, G.A. Ibadova, F.S. Shamsiev, Sh.I. Navruzova, Sh.A. Khusinova, R.A. Nurmukhamedova, S.T. Abdrakhmanova
Treatment of ARVI and grippe in ambulatory-polyclinical practice: results of international observing non-interventional programme “Ermitage”
V.V. Skvortsov, A.A. Bessonov, N.A. Krukova
Diagnostics and treatment of Still’s disease
ARVI complications: prevent and neutralize

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