Clopidogrel – historical and modern base of antiplatelet therapy in acute coronary syndrome

E.O. Taratukhin

FSBEI HE «Russian National Research Medical University n.a. N.I.Pirogov», Moscow
The article presents a recent insight on antiplatelet therapy in acute coronary syndrome, emphasizing clopidogrel as the most well known medication with the longest experience of usage. The data provided, from the latest European Guidelines, as some new information of translational and clinical trials published current year. A complexity and ambiguity is shown of the platelet part of hemostasis, especially, based on the data from new platelet reactivity trials. Routes are sketched of the choice of one or other medication, depended upon evidence and exact clinical situation.

About the Autors

Evgeny O. Taratukhin, MD, PhD, M.A., Associate Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. Address: 117997, Moscow, 1 Ostrovityanova St. Tel.: + 74953751230. E-mail:

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