The role of vitamin D concentrations in the regulation of immunity and providing antiinfective protection in adults

О.А. Gromova, I.Yu. Torshin, А.I. Martynov

1 FSBEI HE «Ivanovo State Medical Academy» of RMH, Ivanovo 2 Federal research center of informatics and management of RAS, Moscow 3 FSBEI HE «Moscow State Medical Stomatological University n.a. A.I. Evdokimov», Moscow
Vitamin D, in addition to the regulation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, provides a multilateral support for immunity. Fundamental and clinical studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of allergic rhinitis and pathologies associated with chronic systemic inflammation (atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, sepsis). Chronic inflammation and immunity disorders against the background of hypovitaminosis D significantly reduce the body’s resistance to tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, acute respiratory infections, chronic bronchitis, and increases the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adults. Evidence-based medicine data highlight the importance of the use of vitamin D preparations to support the immune system and anti-infection protection.

About the Autors

Olga A. Gromova, МD, рrofessor at the Department of Pharmacology FSBEI HE «Ivanovo State Medical Academy» of RMH, Senior staff scientist of FRC informatics and management of the RAS. Address: 119333, Moscow,
40 Vavilova str. Теl.: +74991352489. Е-mail:

Ivan Yuryevich Torshin, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior staff scientist of FRC informatics and management of the RAS. Address: 119333, Moscow, 40 Vavilova str. Теl.: +74991352489

Anatoly Ivanovich Martynov, аcademician of RAS, МD, рrofessor at the Department of Hospital Therapy № 1 MSMSU n.a. A.I. Evdokimov, President of RSMST

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