Study of arterial stiffness and C-reactive protein level in patients with chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Statsenko M.E., Lopushkova Yu.E., Derevyanchenko M.V.
Volgograd State Medical University
Aim was to study the arterial stiffness and C-reactive protein (CRP) blood level in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Material and methods. 130 patients with CHF of II and III functional class (NYHA) were enrolled into the study. Patients were divided into two groups: group 1 (main) consisted of 70 patients with CHF and concomitant COPD, group 2 (control) consisted of 60 patients with CHF without COPD. Clinical examination included assessment of the rigidity of the main arteries, the vascular component of endothelial function and the serum level of CRP. Results. There was a significant increase in pulse wave velocity (PWV) in vessels of both elastic (Се) and muscular (Сm) types in patients with CHF and COPD in comparison with patients with CHF without COPD (9,91 [8,5; 11,1] vs 8,67 [8,01; 10,18] m/s). An increase in PWV (Ce) and PWV (Cm) above normal range was more common in patients with comorbid pathology than in patients with CHF without COPD (67,1 vs 38,3% and 52,9 vs 33,3% respectively). When conducting an occlusive test, the percentage of patients with a paradox reaction was more often in patients with CHF and COPD in comparison with those with CHF but without COPD (20,0 vs 11,6%). CRP levels were significantly higher in patients with CHF and COPD in comparison with patients with isolated CHF without COPD (18 [10; 34] vs 5,85 [0; 10] mg/ml). Reliable correlations were found between the CRP blood level and PWV (Ce) (r=0,18), duration of COPD (r=0,26) and duration of CHF (r=0,3), as well as between PWV (Ce) and age (r=0,31), PWV (Ce) and smoking man index (SMI) (r=0,18). Conclusion. The study revealed a significant increase in the stiffness of the main arteries of the elastic and muscular types, a more pronounced endothelial dysfunction (its’ vascular component), a significant increase in CRP serum level in patients with CHF and COPD compared to the patients with CHF without concomitant COPD.
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About the Autors
Mikhail E. Statsenko, MD, PhD, vice-rector for research, head of the Department of internal diseases of the Pediatric and dental faculties of the Federal State budgetary educational institution of high education «Volgograd State medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Address: 400131, Volgograd, 1 Pavshikh Bortsov sqr. E-mail:
Yulia Е. Lopushkova, postgraduate student, Department of internal diseases of the Pediatric and dental faculties of the Federal State budgetary educational institution of high education «Volgograd State medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Address: 400131, Volgograd, 1 Pavshikh Bortsov sqr. E-mail:
Maria V. Derevyanchenko, associate professor of the Department of internal diseases of the Pediatric and dental faculties of the Federal State budgetary educational institution of high education «Volgograd State medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Address: Address: 400131, Volgograd, 1 Pavshikh Bortsov sqr. E-mail:
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